Saturday, March 24, 2012

Love creativity!

Evan is standing in the doorway stopping anyone from going through it. He informed me that I needed a purple key (which he informed me was my favorite color) to open the door. Then I was told the lion had the purple key. I needed to make sure I did not wake the lion up or he would eat me. To insure I didn't wake the lion I would need to tiptoe past him - again... I wouldn't want to be eaten by the lion. Then to make it even more difficult, the lion lives on the moon. A space rocket is required to get to the moon and I have to make one. I told him I didn't think I had enough time to make a space rocket, so he said he would make me one, and so he did. So I got in the rocket, went to the moon, tiptoed past the lion, got the purple key, tiptoed back past the lion, got back in the space rocket, returned to Earth and was able to use the purple key to get through the doorway. Where do they come up with these things? I am not sure, but I can say that I love it! My parents both always encouraged me to be creative and to think outside of the box, I hope I do as well with our boys. Our lives get crazy and hectic - but we need to make sure we make time for things like this.

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