Monday, November 12, 2012

Not everyday!

Last night we watched the movie "Jumanji" while eating dinner. During the scene that the police car runs into the store and knocks over a wall of paint onto the bag guy, Evan states "You don't see that everyday". Too funny - Alex and I both burst out laughing! Then of course it was funny to say during most of the scenes of that movie.

This morning Avery came & joined Alex and I in bed. Alex asked if he could tickle him and he replied "a little bit". I love it!

Shortly after that Avery stated "Daddy, I wish I was old like you." Alex's response "Gee, thanks!" Then Avery said it was because he wanted to be Thor like Daddy. Very sweet!

We measured the boys last night on their Curious George growth chart that Alex made & painted - they are getting so big! I think today I will need to rearrange Avery & Owen's clothing. The size 2 PJs all seem to be too small for Avery - this morning he looked like he was the Incredible Hulk bursting out of his clothing!

Later this morning Evan asked Alex if he knew what Evan wanted to be for Halloween next year, Alex replied that he did not know. Evan said he wanted to be a doughnut, a REALLY BIG doughnut! Then he also told us he wanted to go to the doughnut store. He also said he wished the doughnut store would have another festival. When Krispy Kreme had their grand opening in Cotswold, Pizza Peel next door was also having a big celebration and had a Scooby Doo bouncy house. Unfortunately we had special plans for our 6th anniversary that night and could not stay to bounce. Amazing they things they remember!

Avery has a coat hanger which he keeps trying to attach to Owen's shirt or pants. I said don't do that and Avery replied, but he is my doggy. Obviously Owen does not want to be Avery's doggy.

Evan is now up to 31 site words, I am so proud of him! He gets very excited when he sees one of his words written on something. This morning we worked on putting up a few things in their play room as it is a disaster - I know, shocking! We were also looking for items that begin with "J" for tomorrows show & tell at school. We were hoping to find the Joker, thus far we have not, but we did find a Jeep - so that will work if we are unsuccessful at finding the Joker. I guess we had best get him to school. We have another very busy week ahead, luckily with some very fun things to look forward to such as Nana coming to town & Elle's 7th birthday!

Friday, November 9, 2012


For the third year in a row I am posting things I am thankful for during the month of November on Facebook - below you will see a few of the ones I have posted thus far.

I am thankful for Evan! It was amazing we both survived his birth. He is smart, funny and already understands how to use sarcasm - Lord help me ;-) 

One evening we were all in the Prius and I gave Evan a bag of pretzels and told him to be sure and share with his brothers. Owen was screaming and I asked Evan to give him one. Evan was holding the bag with one had and reaching in for a pretzel with the other one - his response "Do I look like an octopus? I only have two hands, I don't have eight". I think possibly Aunt Nancy is channeling down through him - ha! If this is him at 4 what will the teenage years bring? 

I am thankful for Avery. He is my little fire cracker! I think we need to rename him Forrest Gump - as his current passion seems to be running. Yesterday he got into the elementary school and ran around an entire block of corridors - thankfully his shoe finally fell off! Bully one moment to prove there is nothing a 4 yr old can do that he can't then so loving, caring and sweet the next. (side note - I am also VERY thankful for the angels watching over my boys!).

Tomorrows will read:
I am thankful for Owen. At one and a half he already has such a great personality. He LOVES to laugh and you just have to join in with him. His vocabulary is till quite limited to words such as Mommy, Daddy, ball, more - his favorite new word is "plane". He loves to point out the airplanes in his room and yesterday pointed to one in the sky.

We are so very blessed with all three of our boys - they are all loving, caring, sweet, funny, adorable, VERY ornery and a bit wicked at times - I guess the saying "all boy" applies times three.

Next week we will be enrolling Evan in kindergarten, I can't believe he will be attending kindergarten next fall! Wow! We are going to enter him in the lottery to try and get him into one of the magnet schools - we will see happens. I have been praying for what is best for him to happen. The first lottery is at the beginning of the year and I guess time will tell.

Tonight for dinner I believe we will have Seafood Fra Diavlo (shrimp, scallops & calamari) over Lemon Spaghetti. I am looking forward to special family time this weekend. So... off to do more cleaning, organizing, laundry so we can concentrate on family this weekend!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta

I tried this tonight for the first time - YUM! We all loved it! I got this from someone's blog and I can't remember to whom to give credit (so sorry) - I modified it  - as I typically do... Highly recommend. Quite simple & so tasty!

Lightened Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta
1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into small bite-sized chunks
Coconut oil - brush pan
1/2 shallot, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp Cajun seasoning, divided
1 can diced tomatoes - drain some juice & then mince the tomatoes
1/4 cup cream
6-8 oz dry linguine pasta
Cook pasta in boiling salted water. Drain and set aside.
In a a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium high heat. Add the chicken and 1 tsp cajun seasoning blend and cook until the chicken has just cooked through---about six minutes.
Transfer the cooked chicken to a plate and add the minced shallot and garlic to the hot skillet (add a little more oil if necessary). Saute until the shallot is tender and then add the tomatoes, cream and additional cajun seasoning. Bring to a simmer and cook, stirring frequently, for a couple minutes. Add chicken back to sauce.
Add linguine to the pan and toss to combine. Serve pasta with a grating of Parmesan cheese if desired.
20 minutes

Weekend away

Alex and I went away this past weekend to a marriage retreat with our Sunday school class. We went up near Hickory to the Holliefield Training Center. It was the perfect time of year for it - our little cabin was right on the water, the leaves are all changing color - it was lovely! One place we went for lunch had amazing mango quesadillas as well as an amazing selection of 28 craft beers on tap - the one I had was the Founders Breakfast Ale - YUMMY!

Upon everyone's return home yesterday it was fun to hear how their weekends went. Evan had a great time going to Cason's soccer game and getting to enjoy hotdogs following the game. He got to sleep in Cason's bed while Cason slept in the closet, he loved playing with Cason's back-pack toy, Elle told him he wasn't allowed to say the words "poopy" and "oodie". My favorite bit of information was that on Saturday night for dinner they had Zomie and he LOVED it! Of course I had to follow-up with Kristen to see what Zombie was and it turns out that they had lasagna - ha!

Avery & Owen went up to the mountains with Aunt Diana, Uncle Tim & Bodaddy to join G'ma. It sounds like they also had a great time. It seems that Avery liked to run & run - no surprises there! Owen had to be cut out of one of his sweatshirts.

This afternoon after school Evan informed me that he loved me, but that he loved Daddy best - I guess I know where I stand.

Avery picked a Tootsie Roll for his lunch treat today. He wasn't quite sure what it was and I told him it was candy and that he was to eat it - he did and said "mmmm, it tastes like chocolate milk!"

Hoping and praying that our family will continue to be more healthy and be up to 100% by the end of the week. The last few weeks have been challenging with very little sleep.

I also look forward to putting some of what we learned this past weekend to make our marriage even stronger and better.

For now, I must wash some china I bought this morning and get it put away then start getting stuff ready for dinner - think tonight we are trying a new Cajun chicken pasta recipe.

Tomorrow Evan doesn't have school, due to the Presidential voting so we may do something fun like go and jump.On a political note I saw an ad last night where Colin Powell endorsed President Obama - the man never ceases to impress me. The reason he won't run is exactly why we need him to run! One republican I would not hesitate to vote for should he ever change his mind.