Saturday, March 2, 2013

This week

Me "Avery are you going to finish your lunch?" Avery "When I hungry I eat more, I not hungry right now" Ok... I guess that makes perfect sense! Duh!
So this week (since Monday) I have made two batches of whole wheat artisan bread - each batch makes four round, about six, inch loaves. I am cooking up the last loaf for French toast as I type... how will we ever afford to feed these boys when they are teenagers?
"Mommy, when I bigger I going to make you breakfast ALL the time!" Avery
The other night I attended the preliminary consignment sale at Evan's school and Kristen went with me - we had a great time! Alex took all three boys with him to karate. Instead of participating he watched Owen. I had fixed chili and told him it was in the refrigerator and he just needed to heat it up when he got home. When I got home, I found him making Green Eggs & Ham for the boys to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday! Evan ate two eggs even though he currently does not like eggs, Avery & Owen both ate three and could have eaten more! Amazing!
The next day I had a moment of freak out when I changed Owen's diaper... then I remembered Alex made them GREEN eggs & ham last night - Ha!  
So sad when a trip to Trader Joe's by yourself seems like a vacation. Last night Alex watched the boys so I could run to Trader Joe's and Target quickly. The things you take for granted or see as monotonous prior to having children can take on a whole new meaning after children!
I think Owen must be getting in more of his 2 year molars because he has been waking up at night again. It was at one something a few nights ago then 4 something the next two nights. So thankful he slept through the night last night! 
Poor Avery... he has two pairs of the same pjs and I am so tired (this was after the three nights without much sleep) I gave him two shirts by mistake. He looked at both & held them up and asked Alex which one was the pants. How sad is that?
I continue to be thankful for whomever it was that invented the Magic Eraser! I knew that Owen had gotten a hold of one the other day and written on our dining room carpet (not thrilled but didn't freak out as I hate our carpet and can't wait until we get wood flooring), but just discovered he also wrote on my dining room hutch that was my grandparents that they purchased in 1952 in Chicago. AGH! Luckily the Magic Eraser worked! Whew! Gees!
Evan - mommy is it still winter? Me - yes. Evan -errrrrg!
I guess someone is ready for summer!
This morning Evan asked me for toast with butter & snow on it - translation - he wanted me to make French toast with butter & powdered sugar. When I gave it to him he told me I make the best French toast EVER and that it is the best thing he has ever eaten - even better than CANDY - WOW! That must be good - ha! It was made with the whole wheat bread I made this week.
 Evan was such a good helper this morning! Owen was screaming because he was struggling to get up into his chair so Evan helped him get into it then fastened him because he wanted to make sure he was safe.
Alex measured the boys this week. Evan had grown an inch over the last month or so and is now tall enough to ride Magic Mountain - so he has been running/jumping around exclaiming he gets to ride Magic Mountain. Due to the fact that Avery can't we reminded him he gets to ride Buzz Lightyear so he has been running/jumping around exclaiming such!  

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