Monday, June 25, 2012

Gotta love 'em

Evan and I just had a conversation about the first day of VBS at our church. I asked him what his favorite parts were and he said the snack (1/2 a bagel & fresh fruit) and the story times - in the class room and in the breezeway. Then he went on to continue to say I was the best mommy, in the family - ha! Then he changed the statement to the Best Mommy Ever! Then he went on to say Daddy was the best daddy in the world - then changed it to the best daddy in the family - ha! Then we went on to discuss how we have to always love everyone in our family - but we don't always have to like them or all that they do. He agreed to that even though he as been stating quite the opposite frequently. He then went on to say he didn't always like daddy, but he did always love him (again - not what he was saying last night). Then he said he always loves me and always likes me - I said that I doubted that - but that it was ok to not always like me. I said sometimes I didn't always like what he does - he replied, "but you always love me" I said yes, always and forever and he said "all the way to the moon?" because I frequently say "all the way to the moon and back again". It is those moments that keep us going. The crazy moments are far to frequent with 1, 2 & 4 year old boys... but that one statement makes it all worth while! We are so very blessed!

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