Thursday, July 12, 2012

So many changes...

Two days ago Owen took his first steps! The boys and I were up in the playroom and I was holding Avery, talking to Evan when Owen decided to stand up then take three steps! They are all growing and changing so quickly!

Evan now has his Daddy's Legos and he LOVES being able to play with them. He gets special time upstairs without his brothers when he can play with them because the other two are too small to use the "big boy" Legos. I love his creativity - every part & piece has a purpose - to make a plane go up or down, to shoot, to make the vehicle go FAST...

This morning was interesting - Avery showed Evan the banana he was eating and Evan replied he did not like bananas. I stated that sometimes he does and maybe tomorrow he will. He informed me he wouldn't tomorrow then followed that by stating that he ONLY likes bananas on Sundays. He then asked what day it was, I told him it was Thursday so he then let me know he does not like bananas on Thursdays. Where do they come up with this stuff? Seriously!

Two nights ago at dinner Alex asked Evan if he was a trouble maker and responded with "I am not a maker, I am trouble" then told daddy that daddy was the trouble maker because he had made Evan.

Monday I was getting the boys a snack after their nap and Evan informed me he did not want crackers. When I asked him what he did want he replied "Carrots". Wow! I think I may have to thank the people at VBS for that one. You try and try as a parent to feed them right - both food and soul and pray that they grow up to be healthy, happy people and moments like this make you think you might just be on the right track.

Avery deiced more than a year and half ago he wanted to go potty - but he is still going on occasion when he wants to. Today I have started putting him on the potty every 30 minutes - he had remained dry until this last time... so he didn't even make it all morning dry by going every 30 minutes... the joys/frustrations of potty training!

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