Thursday, July 12, 2012

Medieval Festival Invitation

Once upon a time there were three handsome Princes named Evan the Invincible, Avery the Adventurer and Owen the Ox.  In celebration of the anniversary of their birth, Their Majesties King Alexander and Queen Erin invite the noble knights and fair maidens from far and near to join them for a grand Tournament.
The festivities take place in the 4th hour after noon on Saturday the 31st of March in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twelve in the castle courtyard located at 12658 Woodside Falls Road in the shire of Pineville.
Come celebrate the medieval feast and partake of games of bravery and skill. If desired, come dressed in finery as fitting a lady or lord of the realm.
The favor of a reply is requested by the 9th of March at or 704.877.5889 to proclaim yay or nay.

 Bodaddy's response:
This is to proclaim with greatest joy                              "Yay" 
to Your Majesties King Alexander and Queen Erin's kind invitation to join the Royal family in celebration of the anniversaries of the births of the three handsome Princes named Evan the Invincible, Avery the Adventurer and Owen the Ox; and to join your Royal Highnesses for a grand Tournament.

Most sincerely your humble servants,

Lord BoDaddy and Lady Mau of Foxcroftshire

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