Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The things they say...

Evan "Mommy when I grow up I want to a Lego expert!"

Had to laugh yesterday... I took the boys to see a $1 movie and there was a life size poster of the new Lone Ranger & Tonto and Avery points to Tonto and says "Look! There is Captain Jack Sparrow!". They haven't seen the movies, but they have met Captain Jack Sparrow at Disney the last two years and they have gotten on stage with him to learn to be pirates. Thought it was hysterical that in different make-up, a different character he as still recognizable.

Evan's conversation this morning with Alex... Evan "daddy i have a surprise in my pants for you"-- Alex - now i'm worried.

 June 7
Avery loves to help me in the kitchen this morning he pushed down the press on the French press coffee for me - he remembered he had to do it very slowly. When he was done I told him he had done a great job and that he was a good helper. He said "I actually is". Confidence is obviously not a problem for him ;o)
At dinner the boys did not like the zucchini fries but couldn't get enough celery... who knew? Ya never know what will happen at mealtime.
So sad awhen a trip to Trader Joe's by yourself seems like a vacation.
So impressed with my hubby, Alex Lind. I left him with three boys and come home to discover he had made green eggs and ham to celebrate Dr Seuss' birthday. 
Evan "God is with me everywhere I go"

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