I for one do not do well without sleep. As the book I am currently reading for my MOMS group ("My Bathtub is Overflowing Why Do I Feel So Drained") states we need to constantly re-fill out tanks so we have lots of love and patience for our children... without sleep my tank goes to empty VERY quickly. I hate this, I am working on it - but clarity, patience are all just much harder to have when sleep has not been had - at least for me.Alex and I have both been working very hard to get our home in order. Having had 5 major abdominal surgeries in 36 months plus another 10 months or so of pregnancy prior to that and well, let's just say the house got a bit out of control.I am very excited with the progress we have made, but worry the boys have suffered a bit... but hoping that in the long run they will have a better example of how the house should be kept.
The boys just enjoyed some freeze-dried astronaut ice cream - strawberry/chocolate/vanilla - they LOVED it! They had fun last night playing with our neighbor Tyler while Alex and I went on a quick, 1 hour date, to a beer education class - it consisted of all NC beers - very nice! Doing our best to support the local economy ;o)
Owen has decided it is necessary to go upstairs on his own - like his brothers - climbing before he walks. He is very mobile, very vocal, very happy - most of the time. He does not do well with teething! Thus one of the reasons for my lack of sleep. We were up for over an hour together last night. He currently has eight (8) teeth and I think is working on getting his molars in.
Avery at this moment is cleaning - he has the dust pan and small broom that came with it and is sweeping. He decided months ago to go potty - but now has regressed somewhat and is being stubborn - I know hard to believe from any of our boys. Yet another thing I need more time to do correctly. He has escaped twice this week alone - have have items on both doors to keep him in, but every once in a while they are not in place and he takes full advantage. In the last month or so he has tried to go around back of the house twice, go visit the neighbors to take a joy ride on their motorcyle, go visit another neighbor, and go swimming in our little blow up pool - SCARY! Yes, he may shorten my life. He is my Energizer Bunny and never stops. Last week he got into my MAC make-up and had it from head to toe - bright red, black, silver, green... then sat on the sofa - thankful for Oxyfresh I got most of it removed, just a couple of faint spots to work on again. Then to the bath where he discolored the brand new bath mat - yes it now has red spots. Thankful to Mr Clean Erasers to remove the lovely red ring around the tub - I felt like the Cat in the Hat had come to visit - at least we didn't clean it with one of MY dresses - ha!
Evan continues to go to speech and is improving. He still has much work to do - but has greatly improved, which is so exciting. He will start pre-school in the fall. Then we have to think about kindergarten - a whole new world for me. Where I grew up we had one school and there were no other options - here there is the local, charter, magnet... so much to figure out and decide what is best for each of the boys. Evan is very creative and loves to build - he could spend hours with his blocks - he creates amazing structures - it used to be everything had to be perfectly symmetrical - now he is into asymmetry and creating items like flying trucks. I don't think he ever quits thinking. From the moment we brought him home from the hospital he seemed to be thinking "how does that work".
They all keep my life challenging to put it mildly. But they also bring great joy. A smile from them or a giggle is priceless. As I have stated many times - the best and the very hardest job I have ever had. So today I pray for patience, compassion and tolerance to deal with anything they may throw my way.
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