Monday, September 15, 2014

I saw my surgeon this morning and all went as perfectly as possible with the surgery! She thinks radiation is still the way to go – but POSSIBLY I won’t have to do the Tamoxofen  (the drug for 5 years)– which would make me REALLY happy!!! I still need to meet with my ocologist and radiologist to learn what they think will be best. So appointments continue… but so far so good!!!

Also said it could take up to 3 months before I am feeling up to par. I am still getting really tired – good to know that is normal (still frustrating, but good to know). I also learned working out is good for me and my recovery so  to gym I will go for some work on the elliptical machine – probably later this week. Then I will work my way up to Pilates.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Wow! So t has been over a year since I have written anything - not good! Today's post is about me... not my crazy boys.

A few weeks ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I am thrilled that it has been caught early thanks to my yearly mammogram, but at the same time scared, sad, frustrated to name a few of the emotions. I am also very tired of having surgeries. I thought the 5 major abdominal surgeries in less than 3 years had me covered for a very long time... I guess that is not to be the case. I have had genetic testing done (negative), and MRI to check to see if there is anything else (negative) - both of these things are great! As I mentioned it has been caught early and is small - it is slightly invasive - but unless the surgery shows something more dramatic we are doing pretty well. At this time I have seen two surgeons and selected one, I have seen the radiologist & the medical oncologist. The plan is to have a lumpectomy next Thursday - I have to go in at 9:00 am, the first procedure will be at 11:00 and surgery will begin around 12:00-12:30. Assuming all goes well and they get everything I will begin radiation around the beginning of October and I will have to do that every weekday for 6.5 weeks. We will also meet with the medical oncologist again 2 weeks after the surgery to discuss what the surgery has discovered and what options are best for me taking into consideration the hepatic adenoma I had removed from my liver. Ideally they would like me to be on tamoxifen for 5 years. I meet with pre-op on Friday then we should be good to go next Thursday. The surgery will be a outpatient procedure. It is going to be a long road, I am so thankful for my mother who is amazing and helping us out, to friends and family and for all the prayers and positive thoughts.