Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I haven't written in quite some time - lately it has been about just surviving. The boys have had a variety of illnesses Fifth's disease, bronchitis, pneumonia, cold.

We were also checking out schools for Evan to go for Kindergarten next year - we have now submitted the lottery sheet with three options - we are really hoping for one of the top two. Which one of the top two? It depends on the moment you ask us - so we are praying for the best program for Evan (and then also the next two). We will find out in March if we have "won". Unfortunately too late we also looked into charter schools. At least we know about them for next year should we not be pleased with his first year of school. The charter school we are looking at has a minimum IQ that is necessary and he meets that without a problem - so we will see - good to know there are other options to pursue if we don't like Kindergarten. It is overwhelming how many options there are available here in Charlotte - and that is a good thing - but I feel you need to know someone who has been through all of it to walk you through it all - ha! Yesterday as I filled out the form - we kept going back between what should be our #1 & our #2 options and I was getting so stressed it was making me physically ill - CRAZY!!! Let go, let God.

We were at the grocery yesterday after we picked Evan up from pre-school and a little girl handed each of the boys a lollipop with a note saying to smile & letting them know it was random act of kindness week so now I think we need to pass that on. I think we will put a chocolate covered pretzel with a note in our mailbox for our mail person and then do the same for the garbage men tomorrow. Then I think we will bake some chai banana bread muffins for our neighbors. Last week we put together 13 bags of snacks for kids who are less fortunate who attend an after-school program at our church. Love coming up with ways to remind them that everyone isn't as blessed as we are - that everyone doesn't have enough food & clothing. Hopefully they will remember this and still be excited with their Goodwill clothing as they get older ;o)

Yesterday Evan asked to watch another tv show and I stated that we could start another one, but wouldn't be able to finish it as we had to leave soon for school. He then told me that Avery & Owen could watch it, but I said they needed to go with us. He then proceeded to tell me that they could stay home as God would be here with them. So I tried to explain that yes, God is always with us, we can always talk to him, he is always there for us but that an adult really needs to be with little ones... don't think I did very well with that. Kind of like when he told me he thought Heaven sounded like a fun place to go. He still brings that up and asks when I am going. My standard reply is something to the effect that I hope it is a long time from now as I want to see him and his brothers grow up, but that only God knows for sure how much time each of us have here on this earth.

Last Friday Evan gave me a glimpse of the person I think/hope/pray he is becoming. As we were getting ready to go jump for a play date with his friend Gilbert he cleaned up some wooden boards that he and his brothers were playing with without me even asking him to. Then he listened pretty well when we were leaving the jumping place - I didn't have to carry anyone out screaming and kicking - very nice! Then he listened and helped the rest of the day too - mind you I haven't seen that continue so well since then, but I believe it is there. Each of them can be so sweet and caring. The other day at the playground Avery was hugging Owen who was sitting down and crying - mind you he may have knocked him down, but at least he was then comforting him - ha!

A couple of weeks ago I was trying to get the boys to take naps in their sleep room and Avery kept refusing - I told him he must stay IN his castle - he came out again and informed me he loved me and gave me a hug, then out again to tell me he loved all the people, then a third time to put a pillow behind my back (I was sitting on the floor with my back against the wall). Such a little charmer! Finally he did then go sleep.

Owen is still refusing to talk much - he uses the word backpack to ask for "Dora" or "Diego", he will say "cheese" for a photograph, but not to ask for the item, "mommy, daddy, ball, more" are a few others. I talked to a speech pathologist the other day and she said that between 18 months & 24 months they should have between 25-50 words, so it looks like we are going to get him tested and start another into the speech program. But as with Evan I am not concerned about his intelligence - he knows exactly what we are saying and finds ways to get exactly what he wants.

I guess I should get started on the banana bread & banana bread muffins!